ok, so the new canthos engine is running real well so far. all floors and wall interactions are perfect (you no longer can push into walls or floors by moving to fast for example. they just block you indefinately) and things are cleaned up real nicely. when you fall now, you fall in an arc starting at a 0 fall speed, so it's more realistic, and less bouncy. Next i'm going to be working on jumping and cieling interaction, and eventually the grapple manuever.
I'm remapping the controlls to - A, D to move left and right, S to crouch, W to jump, Space to attack, and MOUSE to aim and shoot the grapple.
I'm also implementing a system of code that unloads movie clips that aren't on the screen, so the game should run about 50x faster, even on slow machines. that means you can watch all the artwork on the highest settings!