I'm working on Canthos in some great detail here.
Essentially I'm going over what must be a year's worth of coding (yeah, almost a year and a half that I think about it) to retool the game a bit. I want Canthos to feel less slippery and all the such.
So I'm going through the whole game manuever by manuever, line by line and re-organizing and reworking how i've done a lot of stuff.
This should probably take a month or two I'm sure, but in the end the game should float like a new balloon.
Starting us off, RUNNING.
I'm looking at how Canthos interacts with basic floors and walls. I'd like to work in diagonal surfaces as well and just pull the whole game away from using hit tests to record when Canthos is on the ground or up against a wall. It's just a nightmare to work with as it is. I'm taking comments and advise.
If you'd like to try it, go take a look at my newest submission and give me your thoughts and input.
I think one of the most important things you need to do is to make the hit-boxes higher in comparison to the art. Because in the demo, your feet seem so deeply set in the ground!
this is true, but i've actually fixed that problem already through the help of someone else.
Right now i'm focusing on how collision works with walls and running physics.
I'll be working on jumping and all Y axis movement on saturday, most likely,
and I'm considering implementing a new method of grappling that will use the mouse to aim, which will also free up half the keyboard and you can completely controll canthos with WASD keys on the left side of the keyboard while using the mouse to interact with his advanced techniques. should be a better controll scheme.